Tucker Ballister

Tucker Ballister is a lover of the open road and the proud owner of a 2021 Sunlite Classic travel trailer (his 3rd RV to date). Tucker’s also lived and traveled extensively in a truck camper.
He’s been to every US state (besides Alaska) and his running tally of cross-country RV trips is currently at least eight (honestly, he’s sort of lost count at this point). Tucker’s love for RVing started in childhood, as his parents bought a Fleetwood Bounder Class A motorhome in 2000. The family would take a long trip each summer when he and his brother weren’t busy with football, soccer, or other sports. Hailing from Truckee, CA, most of his early RV experience was on the West Coast, but he’s made a point to explore well beyond there as an adult.

That includes a 5-month truck camping odyssey around the US, beginning in CA, making his way across the south and down to the Florida Keys. Then, because he couldn’t go south any further, he turned north until he found himself on the shores of Acadia National Park in Maine. With little northern territory remaining, the truck turned west through the upper Northeast, the Great Lakes, the Dakotas, Yellowstone, Glacier National Park, and then down through Oregon and back to his hometown.
As you can tell, Tucker Ballister is a travel lover and is continuously astounded by the diversity of landscapes and cultures that can be found right here in the US. When he’s not RVing or truck camping, you can probably find him (and his Husky pup Marley) frequenting dog parks, hiking trails, paddling waterways, and anything else that gets them outdoors.
Tucker’s website, thebackpackguide.com, is dedicated to hiking, backpacking, and outdoor gear reviews.
Click here to read all of Tuckers’ articles on The Wayward Home.